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Sarah belly binding

Belly Binding Service

Wrapping the belly is an effective and important part of a mama’s recovery in the post-partum stage of her journey. It aids the body to shrink and recover in a shorter period of time, normally six to eight weeks. A Bengkung belly wrap provides a mama’s postpartum body with complete support to assist abdominal wall muscle retraction, improve posture, stabilize loosened ligaments, and provide support to the torso while vital organs return to their pre-pregnancy size and position.

During pregnancy a mama’s body retains water, fat, and air which cause her body to swell and expand, including the organs in the womb area such as the cervix and vagina. This is why a mama gets more and more swollen during the last months of pregnancy. When a baby is born, the excess water, fat, and flatulence are no longer needed and the cells will naturally release and shrink back to their pre-pregnancy size.

A long post-pregnancy wrap provides a holistic support to all the abdominal and pelvic organs, including the muscles in the pelvic area. Support to the pelvic area is very important in the immediate weeks after birth as a mama’s cervix dilates 10 cm when active labor is reached, this is the equivalent to the size of an average bagel. Therefore the pressure of a longer wrap on the hip area helps the cervix shrink and allows the pelvic muscles to heal without being stretched further. Steady, pressured support on the hips allows the body to “close” more easily than if just left in its expanded state. The Bengkung style of binding is known to help heal diastasis recti with the constant supportive pressure on the abdomen area.

Belly Binding Classes: $20 to attend class, $75 for bind (class fee is waived)  Please contact Sarah to find out about her next scheduled class if available.


Private in home class: $125 including the bind.

Contact Sarah at for more information about this service.

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