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  • Writer's pictureJessica Bower

FIT4MOM: A Journey of Motherhood and Running

Kristen Bowles is a two time Natural Baby Doulas client. She has shared her birth stories on our blog with her second and third babies. She's passionate about running and we wanted her to be able to share this special opportunity for other moms who want to run! Read on to hear more about Kristen and how you can join in a wonderful running community...

To me, running is a lot like motherhood. We have good/bad days, good/bad runs, but we keep going one foot in front of the other cheering one another on in our victories, both big and small!  When I had my first daughter, nearly five years ago, I was blessed with the invitation to join a local moms running group. Although I wasn’t aware of Fit4Mom at the time, this group of women embodied to be what I hope to create in this setting.  We’d meet up and run, walk when we needed, tend to kids as needed, but above the physical exercise and endorphins afterwards, we talked and listened to one another. The struggles, the mom-guilt, etc. you name it we had a safe space to lean into one another in these difficult mothering days.  Unfortunately, as I had more kids, I found it was best for my schedule to get in runs before anyone woke up but I missed those women. We still keep in touch, but I have to admit it’s not the same.

My friend, Kelsey Barry (owner of Fit4Mom Piedmont), approached me about starting a morning RunClub+ here in Greensboro.  At first when she asked, I pictured that run group from years ago and how much of an impact it had on me as a mother. I felt confident in coaching the running part, as I’ve been running for almost 20 years, 5k to a full marathon, running through three pregnancies, and pushing one to two children in the BOB running strollers.  The village part, she said, is also a huge aspect of Fit4Mom. The instructors are there to help create a space where they feel empowered and connected to themselves and one another. It’s important as mothers of little ones to remember to put ourselves first sometimes and what better way to exercise than pushing your little one in tow!

So here I am, now a certified Fit4Mom RunClub+ Instructor ready to start my own group.  We’re going to start an 8-week session on Tuesday, March 3rd at 9:30 am at the Arboretum.  As a participant you’ll receive a 5k, 10k, or ½ marathon plan (based upon your experience), weekly emails, encouragement and support through our Facebook group, and weekly meet-up runs.  We’ll train for the Tuxedo Trot 5k on Saturday, April 25th. They even have a neat kids fun run obstacle course option for older kids. All levels and experience of mothers are welcome! If you run (or run/walk) you’re a runner!

If RunClub+ isn’t for you, I’d encourage you to check out all the classes Fit4Mom has to offer (in Greensboro and High Point): Stroller Strides, Stroller Barre, Strides 360, Body Back Transformation, RunClub+, and Body Back Boost.

Check out Kristen's group here.

Kristen and two of her girls on the run!


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